We had been looking forward to Friday's outing to The Red Onion for two weeks. George had been talking it up since the inception of Burger Friday. We even had special guests coming out to participate in the tasting with us. Reservations had been made and it seemed everything else during that morning of work was just a distraction from the lunch that was to be. Our hopes were high after last weeks let down. Reviews of The Red Onion had all been stellar. Everyone had skipped breakfast, except Heinrich, knowing that nothing would satisfy the palate until the last bite of a delicious burger had passed the lips.
What a complete and utter disappointment. The only thing good about the burger on this day was the company at the table. What I got was a too-thin burger patty that had been over-done and charred to the point that it overpowered the burger. The bun had been toasted too long and was dry. Even the placement of toppings on the burger were lack lustre. My burger had a large chunk of lettuce right smack dab in the middle of the bun, the onions had been dropped on on side of the lettuce and the tomatoes on the other side of it, not allowing you to get the chorus of toppings in your mouth. It was like going to attending a symphony, but having to run from room to room to hear each separate section. Its essential that they all work together so that you are lost in the burger and the melding of the toppings. But it was not achieved here.
From my observations, the sentiments were the same from around the table. Other testers were smothering their burgers in ketchup to help the cardboard slide down the esophagus, even though it went against official Wolfgang Burger Friday Rules and Regulations.
"I was pretty disappointed." Greg, that's an understatement if you ask me. I almost lost my confidence in you as a burger aficionado until you redeemed yourself near the end of the video.
"I'm ready to throw a table over." Jennifer, I don't blame you.
"The best part...lemon dill mayo." Which is not even on the burger, its the dipping sauce for the fries. But, as always, your right Erin.
"Standard back yard fare, maybe even a little bit below." Sad, but true, Dave. Sad, but true.
Those were just a few of the comments thrown around the table after devouring the burgers. To see more comments check out the video that our amazing Erin worked through the night to put together.
Ratings for the burger were in the 4 range with even a 3 being given out. Half a burger was even left on the table. Now that right there is a statement of how poor a burger this was.
On the bright side we did get to meet George's mom, Nancy, and his sister, Jennifer. We thoroughly enjoyed their company during lunch and their candour in the video review. Hopefully, they will join us again for more Burger Fridays.
Stayed tuned for more as we check out Urban Burger on March 11th.
Daryl - Official Hamburglar